Wednesday, April 27, 2005

bad puppies

poor little puppy Posted by Hello

(before you read this post...My grammar is horrible so I appreciate those of you who actually get through the whole thing and can understand what I'm trying to say. In short, I made slippers that I thought totally sucked but I wanted to share anyway)

I must start by saying that I knitted a pair of little brown puppies with a nice dark charcoal-grey cuff for my nephew about a year ago. Those were totally adorable. I had used embroidery thread for the eyes and the same little black nose as this one.

Now, I am obviously less than thrilled how these turned out. I had run out of the black yarn as well as my lys so I ended up using a grey for the ears and tails. Maybe after that,I realized they were not perfect so perhaps I sabotaged them on purpose because I did a bad job connecting the slipper and cuff….my own way..instead of following the books instructions. Ok, so maybe it had something to do with the fact I was trying to finish them while on vicodin at about 1:30 in the morning and just wanted them to be done done done.

Needless to say, I realized how pathetic the first one turned out, I just glued on some plastic eyeballs and called it good. I was going to give both slippers to my friend who will be having a baby next month so instead of giving her them as a gift for her little girl to wear, I opted to write a nice check, stick it in ONE of these slippers, give that to her at her shower and tell her I owe her a new pair of descent puppy slippers that her child can wear. (without the potential of choking on the eyes and slipping on her butt) I will attach some suede or leather no-slip soles on the next pair.

I figure I’d at least post this photo so you can see my bad puppy. I know I can make some good puppies so stay tuned as I work on the new ones.

I now have lots of new yarn, a better understanding and at least 2 weeks before my friend gives birth.

pre felted puppies

pre felted puppies Posted by Hello

Here is a nice photo of my puppy slippers before I felted them. I had high hopes for them at that time.

graphic photos if you want...

I figure I'd include some links to my pretty knee all swollen and bruised.
You can see them here and here and here and


Friday, April 22, 2005

Paws a while... Posted by Hello

Because I can not get out too much with my knee like this, I have taken to the needle. Not naughty needle…but nitting needle. My knee is swollen and ugly but I’ve had requests for more photos??? Dare I?

Anyway, I have taken the leftover Lamb’s Pride I used for my Fuzzy Feet and am making some puppy slippers from my Knit Baby Head & Toes! book by (Gwen Steege). I wonder which of my little cherubs is going to be the recipient of these little pups for their little pups? Shall I name them? Any ideas?

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

a boy and his dog Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

warning GRAPHIC PIC and my finished fuzzy

 Posted by Hello

I don't know if this is appropriate to post online and I think probably not...but I'm on morphine and that probably clouds my judgement. I am mostly trying to show the "after" fuzzy feet that I finished. The camera does not do them justice. They are supah-fuzzy-feet and sooo very soft. I love them. Knitted them up with Lambs Pride. I think I need to buy about 10 more colors and knit some up for all my friends, family, strangers...tee hee

(Btw, my knee is not as bad as it looks. This is essentially what it was like when I left the hospital and the nurse told me to only call if it gets much worse.)

Oh yes, and just in case anyone's wondering...I am testing out new ways to post pictures. I think this is a good way so you can see the supah-scary close up view if you dare!

fuzzy feet for me

fuzzy feet pre felting Posted by Hello

Here is a picture of my 'fuzzy feet' slippers before I felted them. They were Hooouuuge!

Stay tuned for the follow-up!

Monday, April 18, 2005

more fine-r

I'm awake and feel 'normal' but it is kind of hard to concentrate at this time.
Maybe it's the morphine?

My knee surgery went well. They replaced the ACL, I'm assuming with some tendons taken from my hamstring area because " smarts".
She was unable to repair the meniscus (torn cartilage) so she went ahead and trimmed out the loose floatey stuff so it won't lock up anymore. (we hope)
I am glad to hear that I am not stuck on crutches for the next 6 weeks. WOO HOO

Altho, I'm having trouble holding a normal conversation at this time, I feel the need to share all details I can remember...despite the order or specifics.

Right now, I am wearing the infamous big brace with the locked hinges in the center. Under that, I see white gauze wrapped around my leg and it's completely soaked through with blood. It looks about the same as it did at the hospital so I won't worry.

I try to ice it but I can't seem to feel it very well. Thank goodness, they asked me about post surgery nausea and I informed them I had yakked in the past so they included some thing else that helped keep the nausea at bay and OMG...did it work!
I didn't feel sick at all! woooo hoooo!
Ok, so what else can I ramble about in this post surgery haze?

David was amazing and there for me the whole time. He was there to kiss me and see them wheel me away. He was there to hold my hand when I woke up. He brought me toast and water. He is attempting to keep the dog away from "the leg".

I am so lucky to have him with me! I hope he realizes how much I appreciate his support.
On that note, I think I am going to go saw some more logs...(i'm so tired) and then maybe play online later.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

2 hrs, 40 min...

That is how long I have to eat, drink and take my daily meds. I have to be at the hospital by 6:00 AM and feel ready but now nervous. I finished knitting the fuzzy feet and am washing them on hot with a pair of jeans now. My laptop spacebar does not seem to be working very well so this is going to be a short and boring post!

Oh yes, before I forget....should my surgery take a turn for the worse and a decision has to be made whether I continue to exist on life support, please undertand, I do not want any extraordinary measures taken to keep me alive. In other words, go ahead and pull the plug. I know my family and loved ones understand my wishes!

I love everyone so much and now I have to go find one last bite of cheezy goodness before I shave my legs and settle down for one last night of pain-free sleep.

I'll post more after I get out!

Take care all!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

doll hat

doll hat
Originally uploaded by Pochagrrl.
I decided recently that I should start taking photos of the things I knit so I can also share them with friends and family!
I have knitted many things and have given them away but have no photos to remember.

I was tearing out my niece's birthday present when I had this thought. Before I really started frogging, I tossed it on my head and snapped a quick photo. I would have fancied up this little bonnet with a little lavender trim and lavender knitted flower but when I finished the meat of it, I realized that it was more of a doll's beanie. The only reason it fits on my head and I don't resemble Adebisi
in that photo is because I had unstitched the seam that held it together.

It's such nice yarn, (Rowan Big Wool)
that I feel the need to re-do this project in a different way. It sounds like I will have the time because the yarn I ordered for Rogue was sold out so there will be a delay and I will need a good project to do post-op.

on hold

davey 2
Originally uploaded by Pochagrrl.
One might think that I have put the whole blog on hold but really, it has only moved down in priority on the list of "the things I need to do before my surgery on Monday".

I did go out last Saturday with Davey for one last "play-day". I was a good girl and did not take my skateboard. I put it on hold. I can't afford to get injured before Monday. I abandoned my skateboarding shoes (as well as board and helmet) and opted to wear my cool yet clunky 3" fat-heel boots. "Not so smart", I thought as I went sliding down 5 stairs in a major department store in downtown Portland. I went down all of them on my knees and shins before I managed to get my legs back under me and attempt to walk out the nearest door whispering "I'm fiiiiine" with clenched teeth and a slight limp.

So I was unable to walk or sleep that first night and worried whether this newly injured leg would support my weight after I get the right one operated on. Thankfully after some swelling and ugly bruising, I am now able to walk without much pain and my bruises are slowly starting to heal.
That was 5 days ago.

Despite my tumble, I think I managed to get some neat photos that day....clunky heels or not.

Friday, April 08, 2005

mark your calendars...

Friday, May 20th.

MC Chris is going to come to Portland and play at Dantes on a FRIDAY NIGHT! That is amazing and I must secure tickets as soon as possible before they sell out. Unless you're an adult swimmer, you may not know who I am referring to.
I would totally go into detail but because I am so busy doing two jobs I will let you read all about him HERE!

Now, my siblings can't tease me for not updating my site!
neener neener neener...

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