Monday, November 21, 2005

babies weiners and stones oh my!

Lost of updates!
I am the proud aunt of Catherine Jean, born November 9th. She is absoutely gorgeous and the family is doing well! horray for healthy babies!!!

I finally obtained the mysterious hood to coast 'weiner-boy' pictures so I will get those posted as well.

Last short update: After being in considerable pain last week, I was diagnosed with having a kidney stone! I am not in pain at the moment but when it does start moving, I am thankful to have a new prescription of vicodin to ease the pain. I just hope it does not hit over the Thanksgiving holiday!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Busy day!

Good morning family and friends!
Today is one exciting day!

My Niece, who is going to be named Catherine is going to arrive into this world via c-section some time today! I can't wait! I hope everything goes as planned and all are healthy and happy! Her father is my older brother and they already have a young son so like my brother, he'll have a little sister to tease and pick on as they grow up. All sibling-torture aside, I woudln't trade my older brother for anything in the world!

Is it too early to sing happy birthday? :)

Now, on another note. MY child...(dog-child) Kirby, has an appointment with his doctor today as well. Last night we noticed a huge swollen lump on the side of his muzzle. I hope it's only a bug bite or something simple. I am afraid it could be a tooth problem or worse yet, some sort of immune disorder thingey. I'm not even going to try to guess what it is so please, let's all pray it's nothing major.

Today, I pray for health, love, happiness to all!

Monday, November 07, 2005

all things mc and meat

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It has already been 3 days since the last topic passed that I wanted to post about. No worries tho because I’m here! Better late than never!

“I, state your name, went to the MC Chris show last night and….” See the website explanation and other comments here.

Last Friday, November 4th, MC Chris came to Portland and played another fabulous show at Dantes. The minute I found out he was coming, I decided to create a hand knit beanie. OK, so the first one turned out like crap if you can see. I didn’t even get the eyes or smile sewn on the poor guy because the glue messed it up and it was soo small and I just didn’t like how it was turning out. That didn’t even faze me when the date of the show arrived I was so stoked and excited to see MC Chris amaze blow us away with his wak-a**-rhymes. Doooooood.
He is amazing on the mic and cute to boot! I can’t believe how all the funny things I was going to say when he was to sign my " eating’s not cheating ." sleeve, literally got dropped at the door. I stood there like a deer in headlighgts. OK, so I was smiling so perhaps it was more of an inebriated deer in headlights. Now don’t get me wrong...I was only drunk from the excitement of it all.

I guess I can say that for the last year or two, MC Chris’s music has pulled me out of some seriously bad moods. For that, I think I owe him as much gratitude (and money?) as my shrink!

On that note, I’m going to go finish up some homework for class tomorrow night.
Knitting? Yeah, no wonder I didn’t make that hat!!!

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