Downhill Monkey
The hill is my friend whether it be up or down.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Saturday, June 25, 2005

I need to finish the second of the fuzzy feet slippers I whipped up for my mom's special friend, Jim...yes, it's late but better late than never! I also have some pretty purplish ones for my mom waiting for felting. We will make a morning of the felting and fitting process, hopefully coupled with some sourdough pancakes. YUM!!!

so I arrived home last night after a long, slow poker tourney. It was late but dog was out earlier that evening so I'm thinkin he'll be ok.
Earlier this year, he was diagnosed with giardia, which is a frustrating parasite thing goin on in his belly. After a couple rounds of different antibiotics, we wondered if he still was not infected. (sorry to be blunt) but everything I saw, seemed to be relatively solid and firm. Last night, I came home and knew at the door something wasn't right.
I stepped in to the crime scene.
The dog was standing at the far end of the room and looked pretty guilty. My nose got it first. Yeah, it was not fun cleaning up at 1:30 am and the sprayer breaks so I had to try to 'pour' the cleaner on the stains and get it alll out of the carpet.
After that, I walked into the living room and saw a half empty bag of hershey's treasures (toffee and almond) on the floor, little gold semisquares laying, near the bag. I couldn't find proof that he ate any. I'd think there would be wet, shredded gold wrappers about. The problem is it was chocolate and he's a dog. Yes, normally we'd have those items picked up but he normally ignores things he knows he shouldn't have but he's been really getting testy in his old age, stealing food when we're not looking and getting into the garbage during the day. Ballsy, I tell you!!!
It's hard to get mad at him. He was SICK. Not his fault!!! But other times, he knows better and he acts like a good dog. I will have to be on alert and probably take in another "sample" so we can test for parasites again. Yes, also make SURE there is no tainted water in the back yard, collecting in a place he can reach.
Guess it's time to give that floor another scrub down. Poor boy. It's rice and chicken breast for now. Poor boy, my butt!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
9 1/2 weeks
According to my physical therapist today, it's been 9 ½ weeks since my knee surgery. Mentally, I want to be done with physical therapy but physically, I can see that it is actually helping my knee become stronger and better than ever before.
Today, I got to hop on a spongey mat as well as walking squats while holding weights. They continue to add more resistance, more weight, more cords, more minutes and more reps.
It sucks when I'm there and I feel SO guilty when I miss work but the next day, I realize it is all worth it!
Monday, June 20, 2005
weird.... the photo at the top of my blog totally shows in the "preview" of my template changes but when I just go to the site...nuthin!
Again...I will figure this out some day...
btw...if it ever turns out, I'll want to kiss Semaphoria’s a** because the whole feet thing I totally swiped from her. I just haven't figured how to get the picture to show. Perhaps that's some kind of sign that I need to leave it off?
Well my toes aren't as pretty as hers are anyway.
well hopefully somebody can help me with this whole header title thing. I guess this is ok for now!
new and different
Please stay tuned while I make some minor tweeks and changes on this site.
Updated links......hopefully a nifty 'mastiff'...(is that what they call them?)
Anyway, I'm excited and hoping to improve the look and feel of the site.
Yay for changes!
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
new email
Another baby step post:
My old email has now been changed.
My new email is so please make note of it.
Have a lovely day!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
bob is now travis!
Welcome Travis Mack Keller!
Born 6/8/2005 around 6:00 pm.
Isn't he just gorgeous???
Now I'm going to go back to staring at his picture...OH, I mean now I'm going back to
Tons of love sent to the happy family!
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
knitting kirbys! a first, I joined a "web ring". I have no idea what it is but I think there are some neato other sites that have lovely knitting and adorable pups! I have the link up in the right hand corner.
My dog is my child and knitting is my obsession so I thought it was very appropriate for this to be my first webring!
YAY for purling puppies!
Sunday, June 05, 2005
catch up
Three tomatoes are walking down the street- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato. Baby tomato starts lagging behind. Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and smooshes him... and says, Catch up.
Hee hee...Pulp fiction quote...
Anyway, I guess that's what I get to do! So sorry for the lack of activity. I have been so busy, had so much I wanted to post which included neato pictures from the mother's day mushroom hunting trip. Not *special* mushrooms, but Morel’s, which some people find delicious.
I could post so much about mother's day, my crazy job, my crazy family (grin), the fantastic MC Chris show, boring knee updates and my Rogue progress.
Instead, I think I'll take baby steps to get back into posting.
For my first baby step, I will make this short and sweet and stop typing...