Monday, May 09, 2005

NOT a bad apple!

As a short note, this should have been posted a week ago but has been sitting as a "draft" because when I did finally decide to publish it, blogger was down for the time and and yes, I am avoiding the blog because I'm super busy working, healing, playing etc. so instead of reading this now and deciding to delete or change it, I'm just going to post it and call it good!
(crossing fingers it works this time)

Years ago, I fell in love.

Her name is Fiona Apple and she is an amazing artist. Sultry voice, a genius on the piano and so silly and hyper and amazing in concert, I thought that was the best show I had seen in YEARS. I can almost relate to her bouncey, crazy energy and other times, her melancholy music I think was written specifically for me. Being forced to play the piano for years and years, I now actually enjoy the time I get to sit down and tickle the keys, attempt to play some of her tunes and for the record, I NEVER ever tire of her cd's. The icing on the cake is that she is sooooo very beautiful.

Good news, is she has a new album. Bad news, Epic Records is not releasing it. The reason? "on the grounds that the songs weren't sufficiently commercial to justify the expense of their release" according to You can read the whole article here.

Mmmm...fiona.... (i say in my best homer simpson voice)


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