Monday, November 29, 2004


Now I find out that the furnace repair guy is not going to be available until Friday!

That's another 4 whole days and nights without heat, coupled with a forecast of 30-something degree nightime temperatures. I can see my dog's breath as it is and I feel so bad watching him shiver to stay warm.

know I was praying for snow but if a warm spell rolled in for the next few days, I would not be entirely dissapointed.

Sorry snow-monkeys, but I'm not supposed to go snowboarding according to doctor's instructions so I'd rather not hear it is dumping buckets. After weeks of physical therapy, the knee keeps locking up so I now have an appt. for an MRI. pbthththth!
Think good thoughts!

Think WARM thoughs.

doncha hate it

when the outside temp decides to dip below 30, the same weekend your furnace decides to smell, squeak, clunk and crap out?

BRRRR! Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 25, 2004

there's snow turkey

Well there's no snow on the mountain. I should not be surprised. The past few days, I've been quite like a little kid, anxiously hoping that the snow gods would puke all over mt hood. Not so I can stay home from school to avoid tests or watch bad, day-time television but for another selfish, child-like reason.

In past years, davey and I have tried to make a tradition of spending our first snowboarding day of the season the same day people are stuffing themselves with tryptophan-induced turkey, cranberry relish and extra-'heavy' egg nog. The problem is that the weather refuses to cooperate. Yes they did get 3" of new snow but when I looked up the site conditions we were given a depressing update.

Apparently now, Bruno is open. That's the buttercup, wussie sloap on the mountain. Now don't get me wrong. If it's a hill, I will go up and down that hill for hours, on wheels, snow, my face, my butt...yeah. I am concerned about a weak shoulder and bad knee anyway. It locked up twice before I got out of bed this morning. But the real reason our tradition is busted again is that all other lifs are closed "Due to visibility and strong winds". The weather conditions say it's currently "raining". Sorry kids, it's not worth the $41 plus gas and pissing off family to snowboard in the rain...on a very small and not-so-steep sloap.

We could follow up with our second place tradition which is heading downtown Portland to look for a comfortable, (seedy ok) bar where we can have shallow, yet potentially amusing conversations over a nice holiday beverage. At this point we may take some old skateboards with our worst wheels and go 'rainboarding'. After that, we will head back to 'the couve' to have dinner with davey's family. It should be good times spent wiht his siblings and have some fun, kid-time with his nephews.

After this I am going to the lovely town of albany oregon.....but i get to spend days with my sister, her most wonderful husband and my niece and her ever so cool but not in that way that he know's he's so cool husband. Yes, it should be fun! Lots of festivity to be had!

So kiddies, I'm off for the day.
Here's one of those internet email funnies that you receive 3 times the week before the holiday but I just had to share!
My best wishes to all and have a wonderful, happy thanksgiving!

Things Not to Say at the Family Thanksgiving Table
Francesco Marciuliano

  • "I've been thinking-just because you're born into one religion doesn't mean you have to stay in that religion, right?"
  • "I see you stuffed another of God's magnificent creatures with 4C Bread Crumbs again, Mom."
  • "I'm not high!...Oh, wait. No one asked me that, did they?"
  • "No thanks. I gave up drinking after I saw the toll it took on Aunt Jane over here."
  • "Man, does my shrink have your number."
  • "That's the difference between Sis and me. Some people have children. Others have lives."
  • "Say, did we ever figure out which one of you stole Grandma's jewelry?"
  • "Why do you keep avoiding pronouns when talking about your new significant other?"
  • "And to think right now I could be skiing...or sleeping."
  • "Why would I get married now when I can name five guys off the top of my head I'd like to screw?"
  • "I didn't lose my job. I lost my temper. Then they took my job."
  • "Remember that $20 you lent me? I need 40 more just like it."
  • "Of course I love my sibling. I also love my tequila. But in the end they both make me throw up."
  • "You don't have the same hair color as the rest of the family. You don't act like the rest of the family. You're not Asian. When are you finally going to put two and two together?!"
  • "Mommy No. 1 was prettier."

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


11.23.2004 kirbyjpg
Originally uploaded by Pochagrrl.

Saturday morning, he could not get going. Can you blame him? It's a dog's life.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Originally uploaded by Pochagrrl.

This is a picture I colored of the bottom graphics of my now retired burton custom snowboard. I drew it in colored pencil but did not concentrate so I see the flaws almost painfully at times. Besides the fact I cropped it too much because the picure was taken crooked, the glare from the flash doesn't help much either but it's mine. Well not mine...and the pic on my board is amazing and I commend the artist who created it. If I could have a life sized framed piece, I would pay happily for it...and bow to its greatness every single night.

Monday, November 15, 2004

window or door?

window or door?
Originally uploaded by Pochagrrl.

which do you think he most resembles?

doncha hate it

when you dog INSISTS he must retrieve something which is totally invisible to the human eye from under the staircase, next to the table and couch?
he stands there and woofs quietly every 10 seconds, each time with more volume and intensity.
Apparently he can't fit through the space between the furniture which is three times as wide as his big empty head.

now he sounds like a teakettle that's starting to boil...

i do love my dog. :)

Thursday, November 11, 2004

thought for the day

One thing I like about my job in little cube-land is when someone with a great laugh, laughs out loud which makes you laugh even though you have no idea what they're laughing about.
Thank you, Ming!

Monday, November 08, 2004

behind bars

Is my brother preparing my little nephew for a future life of crime?

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