Thursday, October 28, 2004

snap crackle...

...mitch and pop.
hee hee

For those of you who aren't aware, that was a mitch hedberg reference who is currently my ultimate favorite comedian in the world and due to come to Portland's Crystal Ballroom December 3rd. Mark your calendars!

On that note, those are the noises my knee tends to make when it decides to lock up...which at this time is almost daily. For my records, September 14th, it first locked up for over 8 hours after months of loud popping and swelling.

Since September, I've become a master at releasing the painful knee by laying on my stomach, feet in the air and allowing my right foot to flop over towards my left butt cheek.

After many discussions with my physical therapist and doctor, it seems as if I probably have some torn cartilage on the outer side of my right knee. So THAT'S why I would fall down all these years for no apparent reason. No stability! I am going to chalk that up to my reasons for my clumsiness which has nothing to do with the amount of alcohol in my system.

I've got 3 more weeks of rigorous physical therapy before they probably consider going under the knife. If it's up to me, I'm going to get some serious snowboarding in before that happens!

Let's just hope my shoulder decides to stay where it belongs!
Happy Thursday!

Monday, October 25, 2004

why I will never have another sandwich at Jett burger

I am not saying that I will never eat there, I will never have a sandwich made with sourdough bread. When sourdough bread is toasted especially crispy and made into a big fat sandwich, it has a tendancy to shred both the roof and floor of one's mouth.


Sunday, October 24, 2004

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Gallaher and Jordan

Yesterday David and I took a lovely drive up to Anderson Lodge about 10 miles south of Mt. St. Helens. After many years of non-commitment, Michele and Dick finally made the plunge into marriage-hood.

These two are some of the funnest people I have been lucky to spend time with, laughing around campfires and attending parties, showers and other memorable gatherings.

The ceremony took place outside in a covered, wooden open cabin structure strung with white festive lights and adorned in colorful fall flowers. Up in the mountains, the chilly green outdoors were a perfect location for their nuptials. It was a lovely experience and I was thankful to attend.

The bride was absoutely radiant. Jordan, Michele's daughter was especially beautiful in her little burgendy flowing dress.

I figure David and I have been 'together' now for roughly 17+ years...some day we too may consider publicly announce our love and commitment to each other but is it too soon in our relationship? Maybe some day!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

formula for success

Because I am probably one of the only people who will visit this blogspace, I decided that I'm going to post things that interest ME.

On that note, I am including this Excel formula which takes one column of data from one spreadsheet and populates the data in another spreadsheet.

It is an amazing little trick that has saved me hours of mindless data entry and for those of you who can actually decipher the secret lingo in the parentheses, I commend you.

I work in an office and work with prices if this does not give it away.

=IF(ISNA(MATCH(cell,'Pricelist part # and drag,0))=TRUE,"",VLOOKUP(cell,'Pricelist Part number and cost and drag,2))

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


This is now the second or third attempt at creating this site.

This is the parasite stage. You can't really see it, it contributes nothing to society and what you can see is not very pretty.

Soooon, this will grow into a small fetus which can be fed and nurtured.

I have grand hopes this will grow from infancy to adulthood I can be proud of.

It is my first so please be gentle and kind as I want my baby to have positive life experiences in this precious and fragile stage.

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