Tuesday, September 30, 2008

crazy balancing act

crazy balancing act, originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

Someone in the office balanced the duck on the dog's head and against a tortilla chip in Homer's mouth. Earlier, Homer stood with just a chip in his mouth and i accidentally knocked it out. (because he has hula-hips that sway back and forth) I couldn't even get the chip back! Apparently the duck needs to hold it in...

Friday, September 26, 2008

grandpa nancy

grandpa nancy, originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

He is getting old!

photo size change

just testing the photo size thing!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

forget the peach cobbler...

forget the peach cobbler...
Originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

let's get to the good stuff!

Barbie hood ornament

Barbie hood ornament
Originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

It's Barbie Dundee!!! Mate!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

result of inadvertent off-roading

result of inadvertent off-roading
Originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

Apparently, this is a broken sway bar.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Homer learns a lesson

Homer learns a lesson
Originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

After yesterday's conduct, Homer is taught what is appropriate and what is not. Peddling vegetables is not... at least the way he was doing it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

homer peddles fresh vegetables

homer peddles fresh vegetables
Originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

Yes, someone was naughty with homer... this particular pose did not last long and I was coerced in snapping this pic and blogging it.
I can't say I'm above that. cheezy grin...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Homer is helping us before the big move

Homer is helping us before the big move
Originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

I'm sure Pam appreciates the help!

Monday, September 15, 2008

hey, check out my rack

hey, check out my rack
Originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

sexy eh?

Friday, September 12, 2008

girls night out

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

we've got Patty covered!

we've got Patty covered!
Originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

Thank goodness she's back tomorrow!


waiting patiently
Originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

Can't you guys see it's raining?

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

does he have to pee???

Sadly, no, at least not when this was taken.

These are my dogs back legs. I don't think he realizes where they are. He has Degenerative Myelopathy and it can be common in German Shepherds. Kirby is a Boxer/Shepherd mix and from his first diagnosis in April 08, I've noticed a fast down-hill progression.

"Degenerative myelopathy (DM) is thought to be a possible immune disorder of the spinal cord that results in destruction of the neural pathways."

Basically, it's when the dogs lose strength and sensation in their back legs. Many dogs, especially if they are young when diagnosed benefit and have wonderful, happy lives using the 2 wheeled carts. Kirby is much too old and crotchety for that. He is 13 this month and even his front legs are getting tired.

I guess I just needed to post this so I've got it noted for history, dates etc.

Now, I'm going to go cry.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

it's raining outside!

it's raining outside!
Originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.

and that's oookay!

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