Downhill Monkey
The hill is my friend whether it be up or down.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
photo number 1

photo number 1
Originally uploaded by Downhillmonkey.
For whatever reason tonight, I came home, logged onto the laptop and decided to go revisit some of my favorite blogs that I used to read, long before the job and studying stole my free time away.
Point is...stoned knitter (awww yea, she rocks) brought up "Project 365". something like a photo-a-day I guess. Anyway, I figure that today is as good a day as any to start!
I got so excited, running around, searching for my camera, thinking of what today's picture should be, the dog was also sharing his opinion of the whole debacle.
Now, question is, can I take a picture every single day????
My first answer...why not?
(note to self, posting can be dumped every few days if necessary)
Anyway, I do like this picture.... yeah, he's a talker.