Friday, December 10, 2004

I wanna see you bellydance..

I had the MOST fantastic evening last night at Dante's in Portland. Considering I never go out, I made an exception and saw An Evening with the Red Elvises.

For those of you who are not familiar, they did some of the music for Six-String Samurai, the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack.

These guys are so hysterical and definitely know how to play to a crowd! It was the best, rockin time I've had in months. The music is hard to describe but I would say it's a bizarre mix of Russian surf-punk, rockabilly, garage, bouncy, loungey music. The band sounded amazing which is extra super considering their stage presence alone could have probably carried the show. They had a GIGANTIC bass, which was shaped like a 3 foot triangle and a literally 'rocking' keyboard. The keyboardist also broke out the accordion during a couple of the songs which had me cheering for more! Their attire kept up with their music and attitude. WILD! I now have a new fondness for Zebra print. They had belly dancers shimmying, shaking and playing the zills like nobody's business! The night ended when a hot little ..well little person dancin shirtless on stage, having dollars stuffed down his pants. I haven't had so much fun in a long time!

Ah yes…as a reminder, this Saturday, not only can you enjoy Karaoke from Hell but Mini-Kiss will be playing at Dante's as well! (I believe some of the members came out to enjoy the Red Elvises last night.) Their show, like the Red only $10 and if I was going to be in town this weekend, I know I would go check it out. Here is the mini flier for the show:


I left after midnight sweaty, half deaf and incredibally happy with a new CD and shirt. The CD is most excellent and I encourage everyone to check it out!
It was well worth the sleepies that I have to deal with today!

Thank you so much Red Elvises! It was quite an enjoyable evening!


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