Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Morning magic

Ok so we ended up getting a little cheap ass electric heater. After about 3 hours, the temp finally gets above 60 in the bedroom! Woo hoo! Because today was warmer outside, it actually got above 65 this morning! I almost broke out the summer clothes again!

The drive to ususal, I'm almost on time... I noticed along this empty stretch of highway, something sparlked and caught my eye. The Christmas tree fairys were at it again! Woo hoo! I lit up almost as much as the cute little tree which was adorned in huge gold and red christmas ornaments and ribbon.

I wonder if those responsible can understand how their yearly tradition ignights the Christmasey spirit in those like me.

After that I decided to turn off the NPR and was lulled into a dreamy happiness listening to the O Brother, Where Art Thou? soundtrack

Such a beautiful morning! I just hope the rest of the day can keep up!


At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoping you get warmer...or perhaps you can string some lights in the bedroom and bask in the glow... go figure. jr


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