Tuesday, December 07, 2004

bbq anyone?

So the mri was not quite what I was expecting. A friend of mine had one for his head last Friday so he could prepare me for what would likely happen at my appointment. Well yes, there were bonking noises and a loud annoying sound that resembled some nightclub techno music. I really tried to imagine I was 23 again, dancing to a 30 minute-long thumping beat, next to a drag queen, showered in flashing strobe lights. That did not work because then my legs wanted to move. Actually, that was the most difficult part. I couldn’t move at all but with the noise, I was jumpy and very tense. Call me kookie but I could swear the magnetic force was moving my leg on it’s own! So then I got to see the results and discovered I had been still enough to obtain clear pics. One of them looked surprising a lot like a big grey steak. Just a big slab of marbled muscle and bone. MMMM steak…

It was all very interesting and as always, I’m fascinated with viewing body parts through x-rays and ultrasounds. The mri did not disappoint either!

Michael Paulus has his own personal view of the skeletal differences between our favorite characters. You can see those here .



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