Wednesday, March 16, 2005

oh yeah, that job thing...

So, I may have hinted once or twice about a certain "job thing" and I think it is safe to finally admit the outcome of this pending issue.

Well over a month ago, I applied for a new position in the company that I have worked for the last 15+ years. I have been in my current position for the last 7 years and can practically do the job with my eyes closed. I would rather not discuss my job particulars but I work for a large electronics company in the Pacific Northwest. My previous job entailed quoting pricing for specific parts to our distributors. My NEW job…(yes, I got a promotion…YAAAY)…well my new job has me no longer working with distribution but working directly on our major accounts. I will be reporting numbers on a regular basis that are provided to the president of the corporation. These major accounts are just that…major…and I am totally thrilled to be part of today’s exciting technology and all of it’s valuable toys that so many people have in their home, car, purse, etc. I am also happy to be doing something different!

My cheeks are sore from smiling since I signed the papers last week.
Only my second real day working on the new job, I am still required to continue to do my old responsibilities until we find someone to replace me. I am afraid the training process itself might turn into a third job so I hope we find a capable, fast-learning and enthusiastic replacement.

For what it’s worth, I have avoided the blog thing lately because I have been focusing on my current and new job so when I’m on the computer, I’m likely “working”. I learned so much today that my brain feels like mush. I decided it was probably a good time to inform the internet of the details of this new and exciting adventure.

We now return to your regular scheduled program...


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