Thursday, February 17, 2005

pending pending pending

I feel kind of bad, neglecting all things downhill lately. It's not that I haven't had anything to post. I actually had a few "drafts" written up, only to delete after I realize I missed the window.
In short and to catch folks up, I still have this "job thing" pending and can't post any specifics until I hear the final outcome. My dog had a successful biopsy on his nose and we should have had the results on Tuesday but those are also pending. On the home front, my shower has a ceiling mold problem so we have started the beginning stages of my regular morning shower routine is now...pending. I have an appointment with the ortho for my knee tomorrow so right now...the status of my knee is still...pending. {bigcheezygrin}

I'll update when I have more time and more information but for now, consider this blog.. yep, you guessed it...pending.


At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi P -
Just got back from Thailand and read about your ailments, jobs stuff, etc.
Hope all is well. Lots of pictures and good things from the trip. We gotta get people to add to your blog.


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