Wednesday, January 12, 2005

little tweeks

So I added a few new links...just for fun.
I also changed the blog title from "Pochagrrl on wheels" to "Downhill Monkey".

After recently losing my instant message name, Pochagrrl, I decided I should probably re-think my blog name, title etc. First of all, most people can't pronounce Pochagrrl without it sounding x-rated. Second, I am not always "on wheels". I do like going down hill, whether it be on skateboard, snowboard, running shoes, my face, state of mind, etc. Currently, I am still using my old Burton, Custom "monkey" snowboard so downhill monkey just seemed appropriate. Perhaps when summer arrives I will yearn for a new identity but for now, monkey it is!

Eventually (hopefully sooner than later), I plan on changing the address so instead of, I am hoping to secure so for anyone who visits this site, consider this your 5 minute warning! (yes, IF I can figure it out)

For now, I'll leave it as-is and attempt to change the address next week sometime.


At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to the curious. The new website address is

This one is retired


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