The things on my sister's hands. That adorable little slice of colorful lovins is kirby's favorite ummm...cousin, Max.

His given name is Maxwell Smart. I've been known to call him Max, Wing-nut, monkey (lately), maxi-pie, MP Slammer (for MC Hammer), freak, baby, sweetie-pie and I could go on but my all-time favorite is "Maxi-pad". Kirby sure was so happy when they visited about a month ago. When she was here, I knitted those little wristwarmers for my sister to keep her little artist's hands warm...only to find out she's likely going to be moving to Sacramento, aka....sack-u-tomatoes.
BTW, this dog...can curl his tongue and drill it all the way up your nose-hole into your sinuses if you're not careful!
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