Thursday, July 14, 2005

we're all food on a plate

I have worms in my ears! I am not alone....I know that.....dear siblings...ahem. And now in poor taste, I hum “when grandfather dies” by Stephen Lynch

Yesterday, I was SO happy to have my favorite James come in to the office with her little, the Little Guy. A small group of us escaped for lunch and had a fabulous time catching up as we haven’t seen her since she was pre-mama waddling awkwardly around the building.

Ok, so to get to the point of this post…months ago, on one of our lunch escapes, we were chatting about music and who had what on their i-pods. She had mentioned Modest Mouse and although I had heard that super cool name enough to know I should really check them out, I had never heard them before. So it took me awhile to jump on board and purchase the latest Modest Mouse cd but now that I have it, I’m quite pleased with this “indie…somethingerruther form of music.

Last weekend, Davey and I were playing downtown and of course I had the modest mouse cd in the jeep and Davey started singing “we’re all food on a plate” to the tune of “float on” and I laughed hysterically as he looked at me with that dumb-a** look of “what, that’s not what they’re singing?”

So guess what tune kept coming out of my mouth all day? And with what lyrics?
You betchya…"food on"!

What’s the deal with having a song stuck in your head? It’s often referred to as “earworm”. You can read about it here.

On that note…(hahahah funny pun), I’m going to go out and buy some cinnamon sticks.


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